Choose A More Sustainable Standing Desk

For many, sustainability is another word for being environmentally friendly. At FRISKA, we’re making choices to protect our climate, but we’re sustainable in lots of other ways too.
Seriously sustainable
Yes, sustainability is about the carbon footprint of our activities (you’ll find more about that below). But there’s more to it than that. We take our lead from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where sustainability is also about the materials you consume, the way you protect life on land and the way you support health and well-being.
It all adds up to a standing desk that is sustainable in lots of ways.
Good wood
All our fresh timber (which is what goes into most of our desks) comes from FSC-certified forests in Wales which are managed in ways that foster greater biodiversity and protect workers’ rights.
If you’d prefer your standing desk to use no virgin wood, take a look at our reclaimed scaffold board desktops. We think they’re pretty much the last word in upcycling.
Steel appeal
30% of the steel used in the frames of our height adjustable desks comes from recycled material. We’re working to nudge that figure up without making any compromises on quality.

Lowering the carbon footprint of your standing desk
We’re lowering our carbon footprint in lots of ways, but perhaps the most impactful is the distance our standing desks travel. Our frames come from Sweden. Almost everything else (a few accessories aside) comes from within the UK.
Why? Because we believe it doesn’t matter how “sustainably sourced” your standing desk is if you ship it from the other side of the world.
A team effort
It’s not all about us. Around 80% of any business’ carbon emissions come from its supply chain. That’s why we’re constantly working with our suppliers to help them make their processes more sustainable too.
Find out more about that and our other sustainability work
Find your (oh so sustainable) FRISKA now